INIDEP Informe Técnico
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Manual de producción de larvas y juveniles de lenguado negro Paralichthys orbignyanusINIDEP Informe TécnicoWith the aim of obtaining healthy juveniles capable of accepting inert food to be fattened up to commercial size, the larval culture of marine fishes is based on the rigorous control of culture conditions (light, temperature, feeding, water quality, etc.). The rapid larval development of marine species makes that larval culture, considered the most critical stage of the whole period, be relatively short (1-3 months). In this manual the fundamental aspects of culture systems and live food production essential to obtain black flounder larvae and juveniles of good quality are presented. Besides, skeletal malformations and pigmentation problems registered in juveniles and the culture methods employed to reduce the percentage of those anomalies are detailed. Black flounder (Paralichthys orbignyanus) larval culture demands a deep knowledge of its embryonic and larval development and of the nutritional and culture requirements of the different stages. The species can be fattened at high densities (100 juveniles m -2 ) in tanks with a recycling system up to marketable size with good growth (1.25 percent d -1 ) and survival rates (90 percent) and low levels of stress.
Manual de manejo de reproductores y producción de huevos de lenguado negro Paralichthys orbignyanus.INIDEP Informe TécnicoIn this manual the techniques applied in the handling of captive black flounder (Paralichthys orbignyanus) broodstock at the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) are presented. It includes catching of wild specimens, their conditioning to controlled environments, feeding and induced spawning by means of photoperiod and temperature control. Under controlled conditions the reproductive peak of the species took place from October through February, with a 19-22 °C temperature range and 14 h light photoperiod. In those conditions spontaneous spawnings with viable eggs (23.9-80.9 percent) released at a 1-3 day frequency were registered. Spontaneous spawnings result in a better production of eggs and larvae than that obtained through abdominal rubdown. The supply of fresh squid as the main food item would contribute to reproduction success in terms of number and quality of eggs. Females of an average weight lower than 2.9 kg would produce eggs at a fertilization rate 50 percent. The maximum fecundity of those kept under controlled conditions would be 300,000-580,000 total eggs/female/reproductive season. Egg diameter, fertilization and hatching rates and larval length are considered useful criteria to determine the quality of eggs and larvae produced by the species. Ultrasound proved to be an easy to apply, fast and non-invasive tool to determine specimens sex and females maturity stage. Sex differentiation, direct in adult individuals, allowed to distinguish, in females, gonads shaped as two greyish granular ovoid masses and, in males, of a smaller and darker appearance.
Estimación de índices de abundancia de peces óseos a partir de datos de campañas de investigación en el área de "El Rincón", Argentina (39° S-41°S) : período 1994-2012.INIDEP Informe TécnicoAbundance indices of the main coastal bony fishes: whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri), stripped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa), Brazilian flathead (Percophis brasiliensis), Argentine seabass (Acanthistius patachonicus), sole (Paralichthys patagonicus and Xystreuris rasile), red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), Brazilian sandperch (Pseudopercis semifasciata) and butterfish (Stromateus brasiliensis) were estimated with data derived from Spring research cruises carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) between 1994 and 2012 in the "El Rincón" area (39° S-41° S). The estimate methodologies used included arithmetic mean, Delta mean and the Delta Approach that consists of applying two generalized linear models (GLMs), one to the positive values with Lognormal distribution (Lognormal Model) and another to the proportion of positive registries with Binomial distribution (Binomial Model). The possible effect of the management measures established in the area in 2004 on abundance of said resources was given particular attention. The Lognormal models explained between 20 and 48 percent of total variability; the stripped weakfish model represented the lowest (20 percent); the highest was obtained in that of Brazilian flathead (46 percent). In the case of whitemouth croaker, red porgy and Brazilian sandperch, the annual factor was not significant, which makes GLM application senseless. The different methods employed to estimate abundance level, that indicated a decreasing trend, show the history of the fishery in the area in the 1990's when, as a consequence of an increase in landings, a reduction in biomass of all species was registered. The result of the restrictive measures to fishing implemented in 2009 was reflected in the recovery of that of Brazilian sandperch, Argentine seabass, red porgy and sole, although not reaching the levels observed at the beginning of the study period. This work is the first descriptive analysis of coastal bony fishes abundance in the area. Future studies could contemplate a more detailed analysis of each species and its relation to the environment or the application of other estimate methodologies such as geostatistics.
Distribución de desovantes y estimación de variables reproductivas de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) al norte de 41° S en junio-julio de 2013.INIDEP Informe TécnicoThe reproductive area, spawning frequency, fecundity and oocyte dry weight of the Northern hake stock in June-July 2013 were analyzed. Results indicated that the reproductive activity of the species in the Buenos Aires region during those months took place, mainly, north of 37° S, near the 50 m isobath in a 6-13.5 °C temperature range that coincides with a bottom thermal front. Values of batch fecundity (between 56,431 and 2,203,472 hydrated oocytes), relative fecundity (between 175 and 970 hydrated oocytes g-1) and spawning frequency (14 days) were in the same range than those obtained in May in previous years. The relationship between batch fecundity and total length, gutted weight, age and hepatosomatic index (HSI) variables were positive in all cases, which indicates an increase in the number of eggs produced with the maternal characteristics analyzed. The oocyte dry weight, that showed a significant relationship with length, gutted weight, age and the HSI, suggests that the largest specimens invest energy to increase the amount and improve the quality of the oocytes produced.
Supervivencia de invertebrados bentónicos capturados incidentalmente en la pesquería de vieira patagónicaINIDEP Informe TécnicoThe purpose of this work was to determine how the selection process of commercial vessels directed to Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica) affects survival of the benthic invertebrates that are part of the fishery by-catch (Argentine Sea, Southwest Atlantic): An experiment on board was performed with the most frequent and abundant discarded species that were classified according to the level of damage. The highest survival values were found in gastropod Fusitriton magellanicus and star Diplasterias brandti (96.7 and 86.7%, respectively). A positive relationship between level of damage and size in sea urchin Austrocidaris canaliculata and a negative one in ophiuroid Ophiacantha vivipara were registered. It was observed that the level of survival decreased as fragility and rigidity of the species structure increased, which indicates that the effect of the selection process on the benthic community associated to the Patagonian scallop fishery depends on the species, the size within each species and is related to their structure and morphology.
Estimación del crecimiento, longitud y edad de primera madurez y mortalidad natural de la merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus) capturada por la flota en el océano Atlántico sudoccidental. Año 2012INIDEP Informe TécnicoThe aim of this paper was to estimate length and weight growth parameters, length and age at first sexual maturity and the natural instantaneous mortality rate (M) of longtail hake (Macruronus magellanicus) of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. The data obtained by scientific observers over 2,062 saggitae otholits of 938 males and 1,124 females belonging to individuals caught by the commercial fleet in February and March 2012 were analyzed. The length range observed, considering both sexes combined, was 34-100 cm TL. The maximum ages registered for males and females reached 11 and 12 years old, respectively. Length growth parameters derived from the fit to the von Bertalanffy model were: Loo = 88.94 cm, K = 0.223 year-1and t0 = -0.883 year for males and Loo = 104.01 cm, K = 0.151 year-1 and t0 = -1.621 year for females, with significant differences between sexes. Weight growth parameters for both sexes combined showed: Woo = 2,641.11 g, K = 0.174 year-1 and t0 = -1.587 year. In order to validate the results as an indicator of the population status, they were statistically compared with those obtained in the research cruise carried out during the same year and in the same operation area of the fleet that did not show significant differences. Length and age at first sexual maturity were estimated at 57.59 cm and 3.18 years; no significant differences between sexes were found. Depending on the method used, estimates of M values ranged between 0.23 and 0.37.
Actualización de la estadística pesquera de peces demersales australes en el Atlántico sudoccidental (período 2003-2012)INIDEP Informe TécnicoUpdating of fishery statistics of austral demersal fishes in the Southwest Atlantic (2003-2012 period). The registries of catches of the different fleets that operated in austral demersal fisheries of the Southwest Atlantic between 34°S and 58°S during the 2003-2012 period were analyzed. The main species that integrate said ichthyic group are longtail hake or patagonian hoki (Macruronus magellanicus), southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), red cod (Salilota australis), southern hake (Merluccius australis) and ling (Genypterus blacodes). Inconsistencies on the basic original information related to the common names used by fishermen or to the lack of distinction of species of the Merluccius Genus were corrected. Information about annual and monthly volumes caught, fishing grounds, number of vessels participating in the fisheries and landing ports is presented.
Muestreo bioestadístico de pescado en el puerto de Mar del Plata. Corvina rubia (Micropogonias furnieri). Período 1986-1988.INIDEP Informe TécnicoThe present work analyzes the samples of white croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) from commercial landings, carried out in the sea port of Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) during the 1986-1988 period. A total of 120 samples were taken, recording individual total length in cm (TL), to obtain the length distribution of catches. Nineteen of these samples were subsampled. During the three years analyzed the length range of commercial landings ranged between 21-78 cm TL, while the more frequent length interval was 30-50 cm TL, with modes between 36-40 cm TL. The length/weight relationship by year is given by the following equations: 1) 1986 W=0.017x L super(2.88); 2) 1987 W=0.020x L super(2.84); 3) 1988 W=0.020x L super(2.85). Most individuals were in gonadal rest during almost the whole year, with low presence of 3 and 6/3 stages, which appear in spring-summer. The first maturity length was calculated through the use of a logistic model. The length in which 50 percent of the individuals are mature corresponds to 33.66 cm Tl and to an age of 3-4 years. The most abundant ages in the commercial catches were between 2-27 years, even through ages until 39 years were determined. The growth parameters were fitted to von Bertalanffy growth function through the program LFSA (Length Based Fish Stock Assessment) implemented by FAO. The growth equation corresponding to 1986 showed the best fit, which is: L infinity (cm)=45.76x (1-e super(-0.19x (t-(-3.41))). The absence of the ages 0-1 and the low presence of the classes 2-4 into the commercial catches, reduces precision in the estimate of growth parameters, especially during 1987 and 1988. For this reason these calculations will be fitted to data of research survey, where the discard does not exist.
Muestreo bioestadístico de pescado en el puerto de Mar del Plata. Caballa (Scomber japonicus). Período 1986-1991.INIDEP Informe TécnicoThis paper deals with the commercial landings of Bonaerensis mackerel (Scomber japonicus) at the Port of Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) during the years 1986 to 1991 and the relationship between sea temperature and depth with the presence of schools. The mean catch was about 5417.91 t per season. A total of 46 fish samples were taken for total length distributions (n=4516), and 29 sub-samples (n=1972) were analyzed to record individual data (total length and weight, sex, sexual stage, age from otoliths readings). Embryonic stage cannibalism is remarked, because egg occurrence in embryo stomachs confirms mackerel spawning at this time of the year. Ordinary length-weight relationships by fishing season were fitted, and the results were as follows: 1) 1986/87: W=8.5x 10 super(-7)x l super(3.392); 2)1987/88: W=7.6x 10 super(-6)x l super(2.972); 3)1988/89: W=6.5x 10 super(-6)x l super(3.070); 4)1989/90: W=2.3x 10 super(-7)x l super(3.640); 5)1990/91: W=1.6x 10 super(-5)x l super(3.220). The von Bertalanffy growth function in length was fitted using the methods of Walford and Gaschutz et al. The Csirke and Caddy method of estimation of mortality rates was applied to data corresponding to the 1970/71 to 1988/90 periods values of MSY=11,216 t and natural mortality rate (M)=0.51 were obtained. The estimation of M from growth parameters ranged from 0.28 to 0.51. The biomass was estimated (seasons 1986/87-1989/90) by cohort analysis with two natural mortality values (0.33 and 0.40). The yield-per recruit and optimum effort were also estimated. The lineal regression between total length/gas bladder length and potential regression between total length/gas bladder volume were calculated. The total geographical distribution in Argentina (35 degree S-45 degree S) was also analyzed and mackerels from Mar del Plata (38 degree S) area and southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, were compared (39 degree S). For this study meristic characters (applied variance analysis) were used. The results suggest the presence of two distinct mackerel groups. Some considerations on school displacements and acoustic blank strength are also made.
Algunas características biológicas de peces capturados en una campaña costera invernal en 1993, en el área comprendida entre 34° y 42° S (Atlántico Sudoccidental) y su relación con las condiciones ambientales.INIDEP Informe TécnicoThis paper deals with some biological features of fishes collected during a winter survey from northern Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (CFZ) to the south of El Rincon (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). A total of 167 fishing hauls with a bottom trawl net was carried out in the studied area. The main fishes considered were the following: whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri), stripped weakfish (Cynoscion striatus), Patagonian smoothhound (Mustelus schmitti), Brazilian flathead (Percophis brasiliensis), Argentine seabass (Acanthistius brasiliensis), flounders (Paralichthys orbignyanus, P. patagonicus) and (Xystreurys rasile), and angel shark (Squatina argentina). A total of 185 temperature and salinity profiles were made but only the latter were considered for the comparison of fishes abundance. The relation between the physical conditions and the distribution pattern of fishes showed that M. furnieri and P. orbignyanus were extreme eurihaline species while M. schmitti, P. patagonicus and S. argentina were eurihaline species with a low range of tolerance. P. brasiliensis, A. brasiliensis and X. rasile showed low tolerance to salinity variations.
Caracterización de los fondos de pesca del langostino patagónico Pleoticus muelleri en el golfo de San jorge y litoral de la provincia de Chubut-Argentina.INIDEP Informe TécnicoA characterization of the Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888) fishing grounds was carried out analyzing the composition, spatial distribution and relative abundance of the species that conform the benthic communities and the sediment characteristics in San Jorge Gulf and Chubut coasts, Argentina. The information was obtained during six cruises carried out by the R/V Capitan Oca Balda and R/V Dr. Eduardo L.Holmberg, between March/1992 and January/1995 and it constitutes the references for shrimp fishing grounds monitoring. A total of 299 biological samples were collected with an epibenthic sampler and 54 sediment samples with a Picard dredge; 218 taxa were recorded. Cluster analysis was applied using Fager, Sorenson and Czekanowski index. This analysis showed a clear definition of two main areas with different benthic communities. One of them was characterized by mud and sandy-mud sediments with the pelecypods Nucula sulculata and Nucula puelcha and the equinoid Pseudechinus magellanicus as dominant species; the second one was characterized by gravel-sandy sediments with colonial organisms: Sertulariidae, Bowerbankia sp. and Aetea sp. as dominant species. Relationship between juvenile shrimp and a particular benthic community is discussed considering its presence as forming part of the epifaunal benthos.
Evolución de las capturas de abadejo (Genypterus blacodes) en relación a las de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) por mes y área de pesca durante los añs 1987-1990.INIDEP Informe TécnicoThe kingklip (Genypterus blacodes) is a species traditionally caught in the Argentine Sea and landed as by-catch of the common hake (Merluccius hubbsi). The fishing statistics of the Argentine fleet corresponding to the period 1987-1990 indicates that the kingklip is principally exploited by the ice-chilled offshore fleet. During the analized period this species was mainly catched in the months of January, February and March. Between 1987-1989 the fleet have fishedin the Patagonian sector between 40°S and 46°S. In 1990 part of the fishing effort shift southward between 46°S and 47°S. in 1990 the price of the kingklip was greater than the common hake one. The kingklip is mainly landed in the Mar del Plata harbour, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
Comunidades bentónicas relevadas en las transecciones realizadas frente al Río de la Plata (35°15'S), Mar del Plata (38°10'S) y Península Valdés (42°35'S), Argentina.INIDEP Informe TécnicoBenthic communities were studied in three different areas of the Argentine continental shelf through transections placed in front of Río de la Plata, Mar del Plata and Península Valdés, during the cruise EH-12/93. A total of 109 taxa were identified in 24 samples and ecological analysis was carried out according to conventional methods. Areas with different faunistic composition were defined through species dominances and depth. This basic innformation can be used in control and monitoring programmes and fisheries.
Estudio preliminar sobre la edad y el crecimiento del pez palo (Percophis brasiliensis Quoy et Gaimard 1824).INIDEP Informe TécnicoGrowth in length of brazilian flathead from the two areas, i.e.,Argentine - Uruguayan Coomon Fishing Zone (33°56' - 38°56' S) and El Rincón (38°40' - 41°40' S) was compared. Otoliths (Sagittae) were used for age determinatiuons. Total length at age means were used as input values for VBGF fitting by Allen's method. The growth of the fish from the two areas showed significative differences. Theparameter K of fish from El Rincón was particulary lesser than that of the fish from Mar del Plata.
Edad y crecimiento de la polaca (Micromesistius australis Norman 1937) en el Atlántico Sudoccidental.INIDEP Informe TécnicoAge and growth of Micromesistius australis were studied on the basis of 420 otoliths from two research cruises carraied out duringthe spring 1992. The distribution of M.australis was restricted south of 50° latitude and east of 66° W longitude, even though the cruisewas held in a wider area. Dominant length for both sexes ranges 47 -56 cm in 78 o/o of the catches. The sex ratio was 1:1. Until the species reaches the first sexual maturity it has a fast growth,reaching about 59 o/o of the asymptotic length in males and 61 o/o infemales. The maximum age observed was 17 years for males and 16 years for females, whereas the most abundant age in the catches was 11 years. Data from age readings were fitted to the classical von Bertalanffy model.
Descripción del otolito de merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus, Pisces: Merlucciidae) y su utilización en la determinación de la edad.INIDEP Informe TécnicoIn this paper a detailed otolith description of Macruronus magellanicus is given and a criterion of age determination by direct observation is established. It was verified that only one annual ring appears in the otoliths which includes a fast-growing zone (opaque ring) formed between December and April and a slow growing zone (Hyaline ring) formed during the resto of the year. According to the knowledge on the spawning period and the month when the hyaline ring is deposited, the species birthdate was established to be July 1st.
Distribución, estructura de tallas, alimentación y pesca de la merluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides Smith, 1898) en un sector del Atlántico Sudoccidental.INIDEP Informe TécnicoThe distribution of Patagonian toothfish extends between of 36°30'S and 55°S between 80 and 1800 m depth. Greatest concentrations area found south and NE of the Malvinas Islands, East of Burdwood Bank and over the slope of Buenos Aires province. Bottom temperatures ranged between 2°C and 12°C. Extreme sizes were between 12 and 200 cm, and most of the adult sizes were found (80 cm) in waters at depths greater than 1000 meters. The stomach contents of Patagonian toothfish include a number of specific food components of the groups crustaceans, cephalopods and fishes. The trophic spectrum decreases as it approaches to the bottom, crustaceans are found in stomach contents between 39 an 100 meters and at or over 1000 meters the species feeds exclusively on fishes. Long-line fishing is recomended starting from 1000 meters depths. Deep-trawling nets should not be used in areas between 54° to 55°S and 61° to 64°W, suffering the greatest fishing impact, in order to avoid juvenile catches of this species. The mean yield was estimate at 0.64 Kg/hooks.
Seminario taller sobre la dinámica marina y su impacto en la productividad de las regiones frontales del Mar Argentino.INIDEP Informe TécnicoWorkshop seminar on the marine dynamics and its impact on the regional fronts productivity of the Argentine Sea.
Evaluación del efectivo bonaerense de anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita) entre las latitudes de 34° y 38° S en el otoño de 1994.INIDEP Informe TécnicoA pre-stratified acoustic sampling of the area between 34°- 38°S, at depth 10-100 m was performed during May 1994 to assess anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) biomass. A SIMRAD EK-500 system operating with a split-beam 38 KHz transducer was used. A Mid Water Trawl net (Nichimo net: 30.8 m headrope, 10 mm meshed at the inner cover of the codend) was employed to identify echotraces and to collect anchovy samples. Anchovy biomass was evaluated to be about 2.06 millon tons. About 50 o/o of that figure correspondend to either juveniles or pre-adult fish (up to 105 mm total length), which widely dominated in number of individuals, mainly in shallower waters. Adults fish were more abundant within the strata 3 and 4, as noticed during a survey carried out in May 1983. Other biological estimates, such as size-at-50 o/o maturity (about 11 cm total length), and both natural and total mortality rates (M=0.81; Z=1.09) were also found to be in agreement with previous studies on the same population.
Evaluación de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en la plataforma Argentina, entre 34°S y 48°S, en agosto y setiembre de 1993.INIDEP Informe TécnicoThis report countains the results of a hake assessment survey carried out by the R/Vs "Dr. E.L.Holmberg" and "Cap. Oca Balda" in the Argentine Sea between 34°S and 48°S, from August 27 to September 30, 1993. The objectives of this survey were: 1) to estimate the total biomass, total and age abundance; 2) to define the size and age composition; and 3) to define the size composition of the by-catch. Hake biomass was estimated in 1,989,000 Tonnes, with a confidence interval of ±18 o/o and a confidence coefficient of 95 o/o. Most of the biomass corresponded to the area between 41°S and 48°S. It was estimated in 1,836,000 Tonnes and it represented the 92 o/o of total biomass. The biomass of the area between 34°S and 41°S only reached 153.000 Tonnes (8 o/o). Biomass percentage of the "Argentine - Uruguayan Fishing Common Zone" was of 3,5 o/o (71,000 Tonnes). Highest concentrations were found between 41°S and 48°S. The average densities were 2,7 Tonnes/nm² and 18,8 Tonnes/nm² for the 34°S -41°S areas, respectively.