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Summary of the National Symposium on the Hydrological Applications of Weather RadarThese Proceedings do not produce the abstracts of the Symposium but summarize the requirements of users and potential users of weather radar as those were expressed at the venue; document the Workshops conducted by Professors Collier, Cluckie and Austin during the Symposium; present the finding s from the Working Groups which considered various uses of weather radar in New Zealand, and contain a program and a complete list of names and addresses of people who attended the Symposium (Appendices 1 and 2).
Sea Links. The Planktonic Marine Food Web"Sea Links" is designed to be used as a supplementary resource to support the teaching and learning of Science and Biology at Level 7 (Year 12). This resource also complements the "Sea and Learn" programme resources. The planktonic (ocean's water column and the organisms within it) food web is the resource's focus of study. It is intended for use with students at Years 11, 12 and 13, though it may be appropriate at other levels too. As they study the marine ecosystem, they will be rewarded by a number of surprises, including the variety of animals, and the unexpected direction of the energy flow that may occur when nutrient levels are low.
Multibeam surveys - Ulithi Atoll and Yap Harbour, Yap State Federated States of MicronesiaSeabed mapping was completed using a Reson 8101 multibeam system to delineate the seabed morphology in the vicinity of the wreck USS Mississinewa located in water depths of around 40 m in Ulithi Atoll. A second area was mapped in Ulithi Atoll along the NE eastern margin of the lagoon from Masu to Asor island. Results of this mapping did not delineate any extraordinary feature other than the existing morphology of the seabed. The most interesting feature seen were elliptical-shaped mounds which may imply bi-directional bottom currents of similar magnitudes. The mapping of Yap harbour was also completed. These results have been presented in map form as contours and as soundings. The results of the mapping for Yap and Ulithi are available in GIS format. Digital side-scan imagery for all surveyed lines for both Ulithi and Yap harbour were collected and is presently only archived for processing should this facility become available. Conclusions are: The dataset for Ulithi lagoon provides excellent baseline information for long-term assessment of the impacts of the wrecks on the environment. Detailed maps and visualisation of seabed wrecks provides an opportunity for tourism e.g. a potential dive sites. The completion of the multibeam survey of Yap harbour and approaches provides for excellent baseline data for future infrastructure development. Recommendations are: Updating of the existing topographic map for Yap to account for expanding infrastructure in Colonia harbour should be completed. The use of IKONOS imagery in GIS provides an immediate solution for new and up-to-date maps for development planning.
Overfishing, uncertainty, and ocean governance: Lord Perry's question revisited“Why does overfishing persist in the face of regulation?” The author argues that over fishing,a fundamental cause of the crisis facing our oceans, is the result of the failure of our fishing management agencies (ultimately our politicians and communities) to embrace a small suite of powerful tools (more correctly strategic approaches) which have been developed to account for uncertainty.Broad success in managing fisheries to achieve sustainability goals will only come if these tools are enthusiastically applied. This will not happen until organisational cultures within fishery management agencies undergo a major shift leading to an asset-based biodiversity conservation, rather than resource exploitation, to be placed at the centre of ocean governance.This thesis examines these issues in the context of case studies covering regional, national and provincial (State) fishery management agencies. With the exception of the case study of a regional fishery (the southern ocean krill fishery) all case studies are drawn from Australianexperiences. The central recommendation of the thesis is that fishery management agencies, worldwide, should be replaced by biodiversity asset management agencies.
A sub-regional management framework for South Pacific longline fisheriesThe principal objective of this study was to determine if additional net benefits can be derived from the sub-regional longline fishery by the introduction of a new management agreement that would centre on the provision of licensing arrangements that would allow access by eligiblelongline vessels to multiple Exclusive Economic Zones, i.e. Multi-zone Access. [90pp.]
An assessment of development options in the longline fisheryThe principal objective of this study is to evaluate the benefits that accrue to the national economies as a result of different longline operational models and licensing regimes, computed, for comparability reasons, on a per tonne basis. The primary source for the derivation of these per tonne returns was individual fisheries enterprises currently operating in the sector in the countries chosen for this study. In each case, the company disclosed to the consultant detailed financial, operational and marketing data which has enabled thefindings to be based upon actual empirical data, rather than assumptions or interpretations of current practice and benefit outcomes. Data obtained related principally to the 2005 calendar year. [36pp.]
FFA Fisheries Trade Briefing, Vol. 1, Issue 8 & 9, pp. 1-12, July-August 2008Contents: Fisheries Subsidies. Status of fisheries subsidies talks at the WTO. Preferential Free Trade Agreements. Collapse of Doha Round results in rise of FTAsUpdate on EU Generalised System of Preferences regimeFisheries Trade-related Regulation. Soltai encounters quality problems. Update on Fiji seafood export ban to the EU. EU sanitary inspections in other developing countriesTuna Markets. Developments in the US debate on the mercury content of tuna. Other developments in the US market. Japanese tuna fisheries and seafood markets. Greenpeace tuna campaign moves to the UK. Thai Union predicts growth for 2008. (PDF contains 12 pages)