Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project (BOBLME) Publications
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Final report of the targeted research on Indian mackerel and sharks and national plan of action for conservation and management of shark resources, ThailandResearch included: population structure of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta); a National Plan of Action for the conservation and management of sharks; levels of heavy metals in shark products; and a database on rays.
Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (Essential EAFM) training and TOT in Sri LankaThis report presents presentations from representatives of 12 countries, key outcomes and recommendations for the future.
Connectivity of coral reefs between marine park and non-marine park islands in the Malacca StraitsThis study investigates the genetic population and gene flow in the clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), across the Langkawi and Payar Archipelago by analysis of molecular markers in the mitochondrial region.
Report on science communication training and Wayamba International Conference (WINC) on Sustainable Development through Equitable SharingThis report presents presentations from representatives of 12 countries, key outcomes and recommendations for the future.
Genetic variation and population structure of Indian mackerel in the southern part of BOBLME region, IndonesiaObjectives included measuring genetic variation and population structure of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in order to ascertain whether current exploitation is sustainable. .
Feasibility study: the methods and approaches to implementing a SEREAD teacher training programme in BOBLME countriesObjectives included a desk-top feasibility study to explore opportunities to adapt the Scientific Educational Resources and Experience Associated with the Deployment of Argo profiling floats in the South Pacific Ocean (SEREAD) to BOBLME country schools.The programme included teacher resources on climate change and facilitating interactions between scientists, students and teachers.
Meeting on BOBLME engagement in the International Indian Ocean Expedition 50th anniversary initiative (IIOE-2), Bangkok, Thailand, 17-18 March, 2015Objectives included; a contribution to understanding large-scale processes affecting the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project (BOBLME) and it's living resources; and to align with International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) (2015-2020) which will extensively explore and study the Indian Ocean to improve understanding of the ocean and coupled climate processes.
Socio-economic impact assessment of the shark fishing ban in MaldivesThree years after a shark ban was imposed this study assesses the socio-economic impact on the former fisherfolk.
Workshop on assessing governance in the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem, Bangkok, Thailand, October 28-30, 2014: workshop summary and messages for Bay of Bengal marine resource policy-makers and other stakeholdersThis brochure suggests casting a wider net when dealing with governance assessment to include other players.
Report on Saint Martin's Island ecosystem boundary, Bangladesh: final reportThis report seeks to strengthen national capacity on managing Marine Protected Area (MPAs) in Bangladesh. St Martin's Island was used as the pilot ecosystem boundary delineation.
Seagrass conservation and monitoring in Myanmar: the biodiversity, distribution and coverage of seagrasses in the Tanintharyi and RakhineSurveys on seagrass taxonomy, distribution and extent were carried out in 14 locations within Myeik Archipelago and along the Rakhine Coast.
Saint Martin's biological survey report, Bangladesh: fauna and flora checklistThis report presents an overview of the land-based biodiversity of the St Martin's Island, based on field visits during October 2014 and from historical data.
Report of the MPA exposure visit to Malaysia, 29 March-02 April, 2015The main objective of the visit was to share the success of Marine Protected Area (MPA) management in Malaysia with Bangladeshi counterparts, representatives of donor organizations, NGOs and researchers.
Report of the Training Workshop on MPA Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 27 and 29 April, 2015Objectives of the workshop included; introduction to various Marine Protected Area (MPA) tools with a focus on Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool (MEAT); report on selected MPAs in Bangladesh; undertake initial assessments using MEAT; and develop workplans for other MPAs
Report of the technical exchange between Thailand and Myanmar fisheries scientists on hilsaCollaboration between Thailand and Myanmar fisheries scientists with the goal of developing an artificial breeding program to promote a sustainable Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) fishery. This report was prepared in Thai by Mr Suttichai Rittitum and translated into English and Burmese by the SEAFDEC Secretariat.
Report of the final workshop on education, capacity development and monitoring in support of Bar Reef Marine Sanctuary (BRMS) management, Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka, 23 May, 2015Objectives of the workshop included: presentation of research to stakeholders; briefing of stakeholders on project objectives, contents and activities; to get stakeholder perceptions and suggestions.
Education and awareness programme on marine protected area management, Bar Reef Marine Sanctuary, Sri LankaThe objectives of the education programme included: making the fishing community and the younger generation aware of the importance of conserving marine resources; to obtain their suggestions and opinions; and to identify gaps and needs to strengthen local participation.
Report of the National Technical Workshop on the Conservation Strategy for the Myeik Archipelago, Dawei, Myanmar, 27 February, 2015This was a follow up to the workshop held in October, 2014. This second workshop consolidated findings an and recommendations and highlighted the importance of cooperation between Department of Fisheries (DoF) and non-state actors.
Report of the training on seagrass conservation and monitoring, Myanmar, 26 April -3 May, 2015Trainers from the region contributed theory and practical training to trainees from government departments, universities and NGOs relevant to conservation of seagrasses and monitoring methods.
Report of the Workshop on Marine Protected Area Management in Myanmar, Myeik, Myanmar, 2-3 October, 2014The objectives of the workshop included: an overview of the biophysical characteristics of the Myeik Archipelago; strengthen understanding of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) management to mitigate resource use conflicts; share lessons and experiences of MPA management from the Asia-Pacific region; and to identify a road map for developing MPA management in the Myeik Archipelago.