Florida Geological Survey Publications
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Florida’s First Magnitude Springsheds(1 poster)
Land Use and Spring Protection(1 poster)
Protecting Florida’s Springs(1 poster)
Common Cenozoic Echinoids from Florida(1 poster)
Florida's hydrogeologic environment(1 poster)
Geologic History of Florida(1 poster)
A geological overview of Florida(PDF contains 80 pages.)
Lithology and palynology of cave floor sediment cores from Wakulla Spring, Wakulla County, FloridaFive short bottom sediment cores taken in Wakulla Spring Wakulla County, Florida, were described lithologicallyand sampled for palynological study. Four of the cores were recoveredfrom sediments at the spring cave entrance(130 feet water depth). One core was taken in a fossil vertebrate bone bed, 280 feet distance into the main springcave at a water depth of 240 feet. Sediments in the cores are composed of alternating intervals of quartz sand andcalcilitite, containing freshwater diatoms, freshwater mollusk shells and plant remains. The predominant pollenpresent in all cores consists of a periporate variety typical of the herb families Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae.Arboreal flora, typical of the area surrounding the spring today, represent a very low percentage of thle pollenassemblage in the cores. Clustered Chenopod-Amaranth type pollen observed in one core suggest minimal transportprior to deposition, and indicate that the bottom sediments in the cave may be essentially In situ. An absence ofexotic flora suggests a Quaternary age for the sediments. (PDF contains 11 pages.)
Characterization of the sediments overlying the Floridan aquifer system in Alachua County, FloridaThe primary purpose of this project is to attempt toimprove the existing hydrogeologic information through lithologicand hydrogeologic characterizations of the sediments overlying theFloridan aquifer system in Alachua County. These sediments locallycomprise both the intermediate aquifer system and associatedconfining beds and the surficial aquifer system. (PDF has 119 pages.)
Geology and geomorphology of Florida's coastal marshes(PDF contains 16 pages.)
Florida's ground water quality monitoring program: background hydrogeochemistryThe purpose of this report is to present theresults of the initial quantification of backgroundwater quality in each of the state's major potableaquifer systems. Results are presented andinterpreted in light of the influencing factors whichlocally and regionally affect ambient ground-waterquality. This initial data will serve as a baselinefrom which future sampling results can becompared. Future sampling of the Network willindicate the extent to which Florida's regionalground-water resources are improving or decliningin quality. (Document has 378 pages.)
Springs of Floridabulletinwhich documented the major and important springs in the state (Ferguson et al., 1947).This publication was revised in 1977, with many previously undocumented springs andmany new water-quality analyses being added (Rosenau et al., 1977). The FloridaGeological Survey's report on first magnitude springs (Scott et al., 2002) was the initial stepin once again updating and revising the Springs of Florida bulletin. The new bulletinincludes the spring descriptions and water-quality analyses from Scott et al. (2002). Nearly300 springs were described in 1977. As of 2004, more than 700 springs have been recognizedin the state and more are reported each year. To date, 33 first magnitude springs (with aflow greater than 100 cubic feet per second or approximately 64.6 million gallons of waterper day) have been recognized in Florida, more than any other state or country (Rosenau etal., 1977). Our springs are a unique and invaluable natural resource. A comprehensiveunderstanding of the spring systems will provide the basis for their protection and wise use.(Document pdf contains 677 pages)
Pensacola area's water(11 page pamphlet)
Water for thirsty industry(11 page pamphlet)
Your water resources(26 page document)
Woodville Karst Plain, North FloridaMap showing the largest mapped underwater cave systems and conduit flow paths confirmed by tracer testing relative to surface streams, sinkholes and potentiometric surface of the Florida aquifer in the Woodville Karst Plain, Florida
Wakulla Springs yesterday...today57 slides
Degradation of water quality at Wakulla Springs, Florida: assessment and recommendationsWakulla Springs, a natural resource of great ecological and recreational value, is suffering fromtwo problems: (1) ecological decline due to excess nitrate loading and (2) dark water. While thesource of dark water and the remedy for this problem remain uncertain, the situation regardingnitrate is reasonably clear. Currently the largest single source of nitrate appears to be theSoutheast Sprayfield operated by the city of Tallahassee, but nitrate from septic tanks in Leonand northern Wakulla Counties is a looming problem. The long-term success of efforts to restoreWakulla Springs will depend on a continuing, coordinated research program into the sources ofand solutions to the problems facing this unique natural resource.In order to address these problems and possibly reverse the decline that has occurred at WakullaSprings, the following six recommendations are intended to serve as guides for future actions bylocal and state governments:Recommendation 1. Goal of Wastewater Disposal ActivitiesA primary goal of all wastewater disposal activities in Leon and Wakulla Counties should be toreduce nutrient loading (nitrogen and phosphorus) to the aquifer.Recommendation 2. Wastewater UtilityA wastewater utility should be established and charged with improving the operation of all onsitesewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDSs or septic systems), in accordance with the goalstated in Recommendation 1.Recommendation 3. Regulate FertilizersThe amounts and types of fertilizer used in the catchment basin of Wakulla Springs should belimited and regulated through a combination of public education and targeted ordinances.Recommendation 4. Expedite the Total Maximum Daily Load ProcessThe Florida Department of Environmental Protection should expedite the establishment of totalmaximum daily loads and pollutant load reduction goals for Wakulla Springs and River.Recommendation 5. Hydrologic ObservatoryA Hydrologic Observatory should be established and charged with coordinating and facilitatingresearch activities into a number of issues related to the health of Wakulla Springs and River.Recommendation 6. Public EducationA concerted, prolonged and properly funded effort should be made to educate the public on theimportance of the previous recommendations to the long-term health of Wakulla Springs and itsecosystems. (84 slides)