Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Institute, Zimbabwe
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Aspects of the biology and population dynamics of freshwater mussels in Lake Kariba and Lake McIlwaineThe essential aim of this study was to provide a broad foundation of biological knowledge upon which a programme of mussel utilization and management could be built. Results of the study are presented in three main sections. Part 1 describes the stock of Lake Kariba and Lake McIlwaine; part 2 describes various aspects of the breeding biology of the three species; and part 3 presents the results of morphological, biochemical and age analyses - aspects which are used for initial standing crop and production calculations. The final discussion concludes the thesis with a general examination in ecological terms of the factors which have influenced the development and nature of the mussel faunas of the two lakes under consideration.
Preliminary phytoplankton counts in the Sanyati Basin, Lake KaribaPhytoplankton counts were made on a monthly basis on water samples, taken from one station in the Sanyati Basin. The results show seasonal fluctuations which are probably nutrient dependant. High phytoplankton numbers occur at times of high nutrient levels as was found with the crustacean zooplankton populations (Marshall 1980). Numbers also decreased with depth down to the thermocline. Below the thermocline there was little or no change in numbers.
A survey of the artisanal fishery on the Zimbabwean side of Lake KaribaTwo types of fishermen have been identified along the lake shore: contract fishermen and independent fishermen. Independent fishermen move from their fishing grounds to other grounds in search for more fish and also to communal lands for farming during the rains. The fish from Kariba are marketed to a large part of the country creating a very large market potential. Profits accruing to the fishermen are not very attractive and could be the reason for the migratory behaviour of the fishermen. The fishermen population is rural with a characteristic expansive pyramid.
1998 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThe report contains data, statistics and information for both the pelagic and inshore fisheries of Lake Kariba for the year 1998. Time series data and notes for the 2 fisheries are included. The pelagic fishery exploits kapenta, the freshwater sardine Limnothrissa miodon, and is carried out all year round using light for attracting the fish. Two types of fishing vessel designs are in use (the pontoon-catamarans and the displacement monohulls) and the type of gear used is the lift net. The inshore fishery distinguishes the fishery that uses gillnets and exploits the indigenous Zambezi River fish species. This fishery is restricted to the lakeshore and uses 3 types of boats - the dugout canoe, fibreglass and metal boats.
1995 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThe report provides catch records for the Kapenta and inshore fisheries in the Zimbabwean waters of Lake Kariba for the year 1995. Kapenta usually constitute about 90% of the total catch from Lake Kariba; for statistical purposes catches are recorded for the 5 hydrological basins - Mlibizi, Binga, Sengwa, Bumi and Kariba. Whereas kapenta represent a unit stock which is harvested by both Zimbabwe and Zambia, the artisanal fishery exploits inshore species which generally occupy water less than 10m deep along the shoreline, considered to be 2 separate stocks. The main species in the inshore fishery are Oreochromis mortimeri, Sargochromis codringtonii, Tilapia rendalli, Labeo altivelis, Hydrocynus vittatus, Mormyrus longirostris, Clarias gariepinus and Synodontis zambezensis.
1996 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThe report provides catch records for the Kapenta and inshore fisheries in the Zimbabwean waters of Lake Kariba for the year 1996. Kapenta usually constitute about 90% of the total catch from Lake Kariba; for statistical purposes catches are recorded for the 5 hydrological basins - Mlibizi, Binga, Sengwa, Bumi and Kariba. Whereas kapenta represent a unit stock which is harvested by both Zimbabwe and Zambia, the artisanal fishery exploits inshore species which generally occupy water less than 10m deep along the shoreline, considered to be 2 separate stocks. The main species in the inshore fishery are Oreochromis mortimeri, Sargochromis codringtonii, Tilapia rendalli, Labeo altivelis, Hydrocynus vittatus, Mormyrus longirostris, Clarias gariepinus and Synodontis zambezensis.
1997 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThe report provides catch records for the kapenta (Limnothrissa miodon) and inshore fisheries in the Zimbabwean waters of Lake Kariba for the year 1997. Kapenta usually constitute about 94% of the total catch from Lake Kariba; for statistical purposes catches are recorded for the 5 hydrological basins - Mlibizi, Binga, Sengwa, Bumi and Kariba. The kapenta, which occupy the open pelagic waters of the lake, represent a unit stock which is harvested by both Zimbabwe and Zambia; the artisanal fishery exploits inshore species which generally occupy water less than 10m deep along the shoreline. The Zambian and Zimbabwean inshore fisheries may therefore be considered to be exploiting 2 separate stocks. The main species in the inshore fishery are Oreochromis mortimeri, Sargochromis codringtonii, Tilapia rendalli, Labeo altivelis, Hydrocynus vittatus, Mormyrus longirostris, M.anguilloides and Clarias gariepinus.
1994 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThe report provides catch records for the Kapenta and inshore fisheries in the Zimbabwean waters of Lake Kariba for the year 1994. Kapenta usually constitute about 90% of the total catch from Lake Kariba; for statistical purposes catches are recorded for the 5 hydrological basins - Mlibizi, Binga, Sengwa, Bumi and Kariba. Whereas kapenta represent a unit stock which is harvested by both Zimbabwe and Zambia, the artisanal fishery exploits inshore species which generally occupy water less than 10m deep along the shoreline, considered to be 2 separate stocks. The main species in the inshore fishery are Oreochromis mortimeri, Sargochromis codringtonii, Tilapia rendalli, Labeo altivelis, Hydrocynus vittatus, Mormyrus longirostris, Clarias gariepinus and Synodontis zambezensis.
1993 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThis statistical report covers catch records from the Zimbabwe part of Lake Kariba for the period 1974-1993. Landings, catches and fishing effort statistics are included for both the kapenta (pelagic) and the inshore artisanal fishing sectors.
1992 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThis statistical report covers catch records from the Zimbabwe part of Lake Kariba for the period 1974-1992. Landings, catches and fishing effort statistics are included for both the pelagic and the inshore artisanal fishing sectors.
1991 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreThis statistical report covers catch records from the Zimbabwe part of Lake Kariba for the period 1974-1991. Landings, catches and fishing effort statistics are included for both the kapenta and the inshore artisanal fishing sectors.
1989 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe shoreStatistics are presented for the Zimbabwe pelagic and inshore fisheries of Lake Kariba, covering the period 1974-89. Data include total landings, total effort, catch per unit effort, monthly landings and monthly catch per unit effort for both sectors.
1987 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe sideStatistics are presented for the Zimbabwe fisheries in Lake Kariba for the year 1987. Fish landings, fish catches and catch/effort data are given for the pelagic and inshore fishery sectors.
1988 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe sideStatistics are presented for the Zimbabwe fisheries in Lake Kariba for the year 1988. Fish landings, fish catches and catch/effort data are given for the pelagic and inshore fishery sectors.
1986 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe sideCatch and effort data are given for the various pelagic and inshore fisheries of the Zimbabwe side of Lake Kariba for the period 1974-86.
1985 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe sideCatch and effort data are given for the various pelagic and inshore fisheries of the Zimbabwe side of Lake Kariba for the period 1980-85.
1984 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe sideStatistics are presented for the Zimbabwe fisheries of Lake Kariba for 1984, being divided into pelagic and inshore fishery activities.
1983 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe sideStatistics are presented of the open water and inshore fisheries of Lake Kariba, the Zimbabwe side, for 1983.
1982 Fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe sideStatistics are presented for Zimbabwe's Lake Kariba fisheries for the year 1982, being divided into open-water and inshore fishery sectors.
1981 fisheries statistics, Lake Kariba - Zimbabwe watersThe 1981 statistics of the open water fishery (sardine, Limnothrissa miodon , and tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus) and inshore fishery (cichlids, labeoa, mainly L. altivelis , distichoclids, mainly Distichodus schenga , tigerfish, H. vittatus , mormyrids, mainly Mormyrus longirostris and M. deliciosus , and catfish, Clarias gariepinus) in Lake Kariba are presented.