Samudra Dossier
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A case for a human rights-based approach to Indian aquaculture systems: A literature review.Aquaculture is the new sunrise sector with respect to fish production. Developing countries of Asia are the world leaders, with a large population dependent on the sector. Though a plethora of literature is available on aquaculture, there is a lacuna with regards to specific studies on the human rights aspects of the same. This study is an effort to bring focus on this void and the facets that need to be examined if aquaculture is to become sustainable and is able to contribute towards various sustainable development goals as envisaged. As the human dependence on the sector is very high, the study emphasises the need and importance of placing a human rights-based framework at the centre stage of future growth of aquaculture in India. This will steer the development towards an environmentally sound and socially just path, a prerequisite for the sector. the objective of the study is to understand the strengths of legislation, guidelines, schemes and other government documents with regard to the defence of human rights; review and analyse the environmental and social impacts of aquaculture systems as seen in the literature review; and to suggest a set of recommendations that could help fill the gaps in the current systems as identified by this study. The monograph will be of use to researchers, scientists, fishworker organisations, environmentalists and anyone interested in aquaculture development in India.
Handbook on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for small-scale fishing communitiesThis Handbook, developed by ICSF and Crocevia, describes the components of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and provides an overview of its programmes, targets and commitments on aquatic, marine and coastal biodiversity. Using illustrative examples, the Handbook aims to help fishing communities and their supporters to understand the important links between biodiversity and human rights in small-scale fisheries. It also recommends actions for these stakeholders to negotiate a just and equitable outcome from international and national processes to put biodiversity on a path to recovery for the benefit of people and the planet. This handbook is useful for fishworker organizations, civil society organizations and others working on issues related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, in line with the FAO Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines and the Sustainable Development Goals.
A review of governance and tenure in inland capture fisheries and aquaculture systems of IndiaThis situation paper is a background document that summarizes the diversity, complexity, and relevance of tenure systems, rights, and the institutional management of inland fisheries in India. The paper is prepared on the occasion of the ICSF Workshop on Improving Inland Fisheries Governance in India, held at Seva Kendra, Kolkata, on 6th-7th September 2019, in which the objective was to discuss the draft National Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy, Govt. of India, 2019, in relation to the human-rights focus of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Small-Scale Fisheries.
Labels or fables? The myth of sustainability: a collection of articles from SAMUDRA ReportLabels or Fables? The Myth of Sustainability examines the costs of certification of global fisheries and how it is allegedly biased towards industrial-scale fisheries. This dossier is a compilation of articles from Samudra Report dealing with the issue of ecolabelling in fisheries.
Rights first, rights forever: small-scale fisheries and fishing communities from a human-rights perspective. A collection of articles from SAMUDRA reportSmall-scale and artisanal fisheries contribute about two-thirds of the global fish production destined for direct human consumption. They also accommodate over 90 per cent of those who make their living from fisheries. Women comprise at least half the workforce in small-scale fisheries. Despite the important contributions made by small-scale fisheries to poverty eradication and food security, small-scale fishers and fishworkers continue to be marginalized at different levels. It is in this context that the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines).
Reserved parking : marine reserves and small-scale fishing communities: a collection of articles from SAMUDRA reportAs the earth’s resources continue to face increasing pressure from a variety of human and natural causes, protection of the environment and biodiversity is a matter of contemporary concern, The conservation of coastal and marine resources, in particular, has become a priority for countries around the world. In this context, marine protected areas (MPAs) are being widely promoted as one of the most effective tools for the conservation of coastal and marine resources.Most MPAs are located in coastal areas of great biodiversity, and hence their development has direct impacts on the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities, especially small-scale and traditional fishing communities. Typically, they are the ones who have to bear the costs of conservation practices–lost livelihood options, expulsion from traditional fishing grounds and living spaces, and violation of human/community rights, to name a few.The articles in this dossier, drawn chronologically from the pages of Samudra Report, the triannual publication of ICSF, draw attention to these issues. They show that conservation and livelihoods are closely intertwined, and that top-down, non-participatory models of conservation can be counter-productive. Despite being poor and powerless, fishing and coastal communities can be powerful allies in conservation efforts, given their longstanding dependence on natural resources and their traditional ecological knowledge systems. As the examples in this dossier reveal, it is possible for fishing communities to protect and conserve the environment, while continuing with sustainable fishing operations. Clearly, only an integrated approach to fisheries management and conservation will prove successful.This dossier will be useful for policymakers, social scientists, non-governmental organizations and others interested in fisheries, conservation, communities and livelihoods.
Gender agenda, women in fisheries: a collection of articles from SAMUDRA ReportThroughout the world, women of fishing communities play a central role in the fisheries and in maintaining the social fabric of their households and communities. However, they remain largely invisible, and the roles they play, largely undocumented. Policy interventions meant to support them have been few and far between, contributing to their systematic marginalization within the fisheries. Where women have been given spaces in organizations and processes, they have brought in a perspective that puts improving quality of life and fisheries-based livelihoods as the bottom line. For them, life is the goal, not fishing, as this dossier of articles from SAMUDRA Report reveals. (100pp.)
Sizing up: property rights and fisheries management. A collection of articles from SAMUDRA ReportAs the world's fisheries continue to come under scrutiny for their potential to be depleted of resources due to various pressures, including overfishing, modern fisheries management has focused on allocation of fishing rights as one prescription for sustainable fisheries management. Solutions based on such a perspective have often pivoted around the gamut of property rights, and how to control the social arrangements that govern the ownership, use and disposal of factors of production and goods and services in the fisheries sector. Rights-based management in fisheries, as this dossier shows, can take several forms, including licensing, and individual and community fishing quotas. How property-rights regimes address the issue of allocation of ownership will determine their effectiveness in equitably spreading welfare throughout the fishing/coastal community. Only by recognizing fishing rights that are socially sensitive and address the issues of labour, gender and human rights, can fishing communities, especially small-scale, traditional ones, be assured of social justice in the face of moves towards ecological and resource sustainability. These are some of the issues discussed in this dossier, which is a collection of articles from SAMUDRA Report, the triannual publication of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF). (112pp.)
Dangerous calling, the life-and-death matter of safety at sea: a collection of articles from SAMUDRA ReportFishing is arguably the world's most dangerous vocation, reporting the highest rate of occupational fatalities among industries, made only worse by declining fish prices, overfished waters and shortened fishing seasons. As fishermen are forced to move farther away from shore in search of scarce resources, the dangers they face are many: bad weather, rough seas, flooding, fire, poor vessel design, mechanical problems navigational error, missing safety equipment. For the small-scale and artisanal fishers of developing countries, these problems are compounded several times over, as this series of articles from SAMUDRA Report reveals. (44pp.)
Globalization, gender and fisheries: report of the Senegal workshop on gender perspectives in fisheriesThe fourth in the Women in Fisheries series, this contains the report of the concluding workshop of the first phase of the Women in Fisheries programme of ICSF. Held in Rufisque, Senegal, in June 1996, the Workshop attracted 33 participants from 12 countries. (28pp.)
Fish stakes: the pros and cons of the Marine Stewardship Council initiative: a debate from the pages of SAMUDRA ReportThe recent effort by two global organizations, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Anglo-Dutch multinational, Unilever, to establish an independent Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as a conservation partnership to create market incentives for sustainable fishing has attracted a great deal of attention-as well as controversy. In this dossier, the pros and cons of the SC initiative are argued out in a series of articles that first appeared in SAMUDRA Report, the triannual publication of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers. (39pp.)
Women for sustainable fisheries: report of the first phase of the women in fisheries programme of ICSFThis, the third in the Women in Fisheries series, draws on reports from seven countries to arrive at an understanding of the issue of gender in fisheries. In the process, it questions traditional norms in male-dominated fishworker organizations, both in the North and in the South. (74pp.)
Public hearing on the struggles of women workers in the fish processing industry in India, 23 and 24 June 1995, Cochin, Kerala, IndiaThe Women in Fisheries Programme of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers was initiated in 1993. Broadly, it aims to strengthen the participation of women in fishworkers' organizations and in decision-making processes at various levels.Among the programme's specific objectives are attempts to study the history of women's roles in fisheries (the sexual division of labour), and to record accounts of their struggles against social marginalization.As part of this documentation process, SAMUDRA Dossier will publish a series on Women in Fisheries. This is the first in the series. It puts together documents relating to a unique Public Hearing, held at Cochin, India in June 1995, on the problems faced by women workers in India's fish processing industry. Apart from a comprehensive report on the sector, this Dossier includes transcripts of oral testimonies of some of the women workers. (54pp.)
Women first: report of the Women in Fisheries Programme of the ICSF in India. Volume 1The second in the Women in Fisheries series, this contains details of women's involvement in fisheries in each of the nine maritime States of India. (125pp.)
Resource management: European viewpointsThe Marine Environment and Resource Management - Should careful and rational management of fish stocks be considered a myth or a realistic prospect?Recent history has shown how. because of over-exploitation of certain fish-stocks - among which herring. Anchovy and cod are prime examples - the survival of some species has become an acute problem. Today all fishing zones are threatened, and no stock is safe from potential collapse.The situation is so serious that some scientists and fish- workers' organisations have acted to sound the alarm and to demand from governments that measures to protect the resource be implemented.However, looking beyond the indispensable need for legislation, it is the search for maximum profit which, unfortunately, so often governs fish production and marketing that must be challenged. Moreover, the question of resource management must integrate the need to safe-guard the ecology of the marine environment, which requires profound changes of mentality.In Lisbon, Portugal, in June 1989, about one hundred scientists, fishermen and organization representatives from 25 different countries met at a symposium to develop their thinking on these questions. In this dossier, we publish some papers by European speakers at this inter-national meeting organised by ICSF. (56pp.) (Bellec, F. (ed))
Fisheries agreements under Lomé conventionOriginally, the Lomé convention aimed to be the framework for genuine development cooperation between the Old Continent and its former colonies. It was an instrument which, without being a cure for all ills, provided substantial guarantees for countries that had been exhausted by years of economic, political and cultural domination by Europe.However, from the 80's onwards, the demands made by neo-liberalism and the priority given to the market economy overrode the research effort and support deployed in favour of autonomous and balanced development of countries which nevertheless make up a majority of the so-called "lesser developed countries" (LDC's).The fishery Accords in particular, despite the financial compensation they bring with them and the additional aid for training and research, do not contribute to any real development of ACP countries' fisheries. There is a simple reason for this: they are commercial, rather than development agreements. They are a god-send for the industrial fleets of the European Community which, thanks to the Accords, are granted the enormous advantage of being able to exploit for their own profit waters which are rich in both fish and shell-fish of high commercial value. Without these Accords, the fishing fleets of the rich countries of Europe would be forcibly laid up and their crews dismissed on account of the over-fishing in Northern waters.Moreover, the aid for research and training is largely piecemeal and the stipulations of the Accords are by no means obeyed as they should be. For example, very few fishermen from ACP countries have found a berth on board European Community vessels for training purposes, as the Lome Convention gives them the right to expect.The new Lome Accords signed in 1990 give no reason to believe that the EC is moving towards a more committed policy of development cooperation. The economic demands of the 1993 Single Market, the channelling of aid towards the new democracies in the East, the search for more lucrative markets with more credit-worthy partners... are all ominous portents for the world's poorest countries.After being the most colonial of continents in the history of mankind, can it be that present-day Europe, or what will very soon become of it with the probable integration of certain countries from the East, is once again going to miss one of the great opportunities of History? As the third millenium dawns, Europe is being given a great chance : to make a full assessment of the poor countries' demo-graphic importance in the very near future, and to reply generously to their most basic needs.From this point of view, the development of small-scale fisheries in Third World countries is a vital issue. Will Europe meet this challenge? The future of relations between North and South is at stake. (53pp.)