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Influence of starvation on selected temperatures in the young of bream, roach and perch [Translation from: Informatsionnyi Byulleten Biologiya Vnutrennikh Vod No.50, 45-47, 1981]Works devoted to the influence of starvation on temperature selection by fishes are few and their conclusions are contradictory. This study determined the influence of brief, up to 14 days, starvation on temperature selection by young fishes. The experiments were carried out in August-September 1976 on fingerling bream (Abramis brama L.), roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) with body lengths of 3-5 cm and weight 0.5-1.2 g. The young fish were caught in the littoral by seine-nets or small drag-nets. Immediately after catching the fish they were put in acclimatization boxes. The period of acclimatization did not exceed 2 days for bream and roach at a temperature of 20 °C and 6 days for perch at 17 °C. Before the start of the experiment and for the first 10 days of the experiment the fish were fed with oligochaetes, earthworms and daphnia, after that feeding discontinued. At the end of a 10-14 day period the giving of food was resumed. The study concludes that the experiments have shown that in the summer season the factor of starvation significantly changes the reaction to the gradient of temperature in young cyprihids - roach and bream.
Hydrillae (Hydrocharitaceae) in Europe. [translation of key to Hydrilla only] [Translation from: Goettinger Floristische Rundbriefe 14 33-56, 1980]This partial translation of a bigger publication provides an identification key to the aquatic plant Hydrillae (Hydrocharitaceae) in Europe. Illustrations are included.
Studies on the submerged plant community in Lake Biwa. I. Distribution and productivity of Egeria densa. A submerged plant invader in the south basin [Translation from: Physiol.Ecol.Japan 17, 283-290, 1976]Egeria densa (PLANCH.) ST. JOHN, a submerged plant invader, forms a wide submerged plant zone, particularly along the west coast of the south basin, Lake Biwa. The macrophyte occupies over 82% of the plant zone in the basin and its biomass reaches 93% of the total. The estimated annual net production was approximately 1 kg dry wt./m2 in a dense area, which is about 4.5 times as much as the net production by phytoplankton in an offshore area of the basin. Although the area covered by the macrophyte is only 5.8% of the total of the basin, it produced about one-tenth of the total annual primary production. In the most productive season Egeria produced 46% of the total primary productivity. Thus, the macrophyte never be neglected when one considers the energy flow or material circulation in the basin. This study was initiated in order to clarify the role of submerged macrophytes, particularly E. densa, in Lake Biwa. The following points are reported in this paper: the distribution of macrophytes in the south basin; seasonal change in standing crop of E. densa; seasonal change in values related to production, utilizing a model proposed by Ikushima with its parameters experimentally determined.
Ceratium hirundinella (O.F.Mull.) Bergh. 1882 [Translation from: Flora Slodkowodna Polski. Tom 4. Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Raphidoiphyceae p395-400. Warsaw, Polska Academia Nauk, 1974]Morphological observations of the dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella are given and a key to the difference in types provided. Illustrations are included.
Avoided temperatures by young fish [Translation from: Informatsionnyi Byulleten Biologiya Vnutrennikh Vod No.50, 45-47, 1981]Directed local changes of water temperature for the purpose of controlling the behaviour of fish are based on the knowledge of the characteristics of seasonal-age dynamics of their thermoadaptation possibilities. These possibilities are still inadequately studied especially in relation to avoided temperatures. By the authors the attempt was made to determine zones of avoided temperatures for the young of five species of fish (bream, roach, blue bream, perch, peled) in the summer period of the year, and also to assess the influence on them of additional factors, in particular mechanical driving. In parallel in two-fold repetition were conducted experiments on the determination of selected, shock and lethal temperatures of these fish. Experiments were conducted with fish, caught in the littoral of the Rybinsk reservoir.
Influence of aniline on Daphnia magna Straus [Translation from: Trudy Saratov.Otdeleniya GosNIORKh 13 102-104, 1975]Experiments were carried out by the method of direct effect of the tested substance on increase of biomass (1,2). Daphnia magna was cultured under laboratory conditions.The author concludes that concentrations of aniline from 5000 to 0.1 mg/1 appear acutely lethal. The disturbance of feeding, reproduction, the disorganization of the nervous system, speak of the toxicity of the substance.
Descriptions of Oscillatoria agardhii, O.prolifera and O.rubescens only [Translation from: Translation from: Flora Slodkowodna Polski. Tom 2. Cyanophyta, Glaucophyta (ed. K. Starmach) p350-352. Warsaw, Polska Academia Nauk, 1966]Short morphological observations are given for the Cyanophyceae Oscillatoria Agardhii, Oscillatoria prolifica and Oscillatoria rubescens.
Review of investigation on the feeding of the European grayling [Translation from: Flora Slodkowodna Polski. Tom 2. Cyanophyta, Glaucophyta (ed. K. Starmach) p350-352. Warsaw, Polska Academia Nauk, 1966]The composition of the food of the European grayling and the character of its feeding has been studied fully enough, but this knowledge is scattered in the literature and often contradictory. rare exceptions, analysis of the results of different investigations. Therefore the proposed short outline of the history of the study of the problem with a description of the basic data on the feeding of the grayling in different geographical areas is presented as expedient and opportune, primarily in relation to the determination of immediate problems and the trend of research.
Chemical composition of Iraq water resources (abbreviated translation) [Translation from: Vodnye Resursy 1975(4,) 173-185]This abbreviated translation summarises the chemical composition of Iraq water resources. Among the described water bodies are the River Euphrates, Shatt al Arab River and a number of standing waters.
Colpodella pugnax Cienk., Protomonas amyli Cienk., Protomonas spirogyrae Borzi and Protomonas huxleyi Haeckel [Translation from: Die Pilzthiere oder Schleimpilze (ed. W. Zopf), pp. 115-124. Breslau, Eduard Trewendt, 1885]Morphological observations are given for Colpodella pugnax Cienk., Protomonas amyli Cienk., Protomonas spirogyrae Borzi and Protomonas huxleyi Haeckel.
Feeding of Gammarus lacustris Sars under different conditions of habitation [Translation from: [Trophic relations of freshwater invertebrates.] (ed. G. G. Vinberg) pp.94-98. Leningrad, Zool.Inst.AN SSSR, 1980]The amphipod Gammarus lacustris, a regular representative of lacustrine communities, often plays a significant role in the transformation of matter and energy. The object of the present work was to clarify the quantitative side of the feeding of the amphipod under different conditions of habitation. Experimental works on determination of the rate of consumption of food and its dependence on body-weight were carried out in the summer periods 1975-1978 on three water-bodies of the Krasnoyarsk region, of different conditions of habitation for the amphipods.
To the knowledge of the genus Pseudospora Cienkowski [Translation from: Archiv fur Protistenkunde 59, 350-368, 1927]Morphological observations on the two types of Pseudospora are given. The two Pseudospora whic are described are Pseudospora eudorini and Pseudospora volvocis. The systematic classification of the genus Pseudospora is discussed.
Concerning the current conditions and transport of sand in the shallow water areas off the coast of the south-eastern North Sea [Translation from: Hamburger Kustenforschung 29 [pages 41-43 only], 1974]With the aid of the German Research Association in the central programme 'Sand movements in the German coastal region', an investigation into the current conditions in the shallow water areas of the coasts of the south-eastern North Sea between Sylt and the Weser estuary was carried out by the author. Foundations of the work are 19 continuous current recordings in five profiles normal to the coast from years 1971 to 1973. Off the coasts of the south-eastern North Sea varying tidal currents impinge; they are currents whose directions may vary periodically through all points of the compass. They are caused by the circulating tides in the North Sea (Amphidromien). The turning flow movement experiences a deformation in the very shallow coastal waters, and as it happens the flow turning movement in the case of high tide continues right up onto the outer flats, while here and in the fore-lying shallow water areas around the time of low water (on account of the small depths of waters), there prevails a more variable current. A result of this hydrodynamical procedure is the development of counter currents. This partial translation of the original paper provides the summary of this study of of the mudflat areas between the Elbe and Weser.
Towards a knowledge of chytrids. Part 3. Spirospora paradoxa nov.gen. - nov.spec. [Translation from: Archiv fur Protistenkunde 54 510-528 [pages 522-525 and plate 28 only], 1926]This partial translation of the original paper provides morphological observations on the fungus Spirospora paradoxa. Illustrations are included here.
Investigations of the sand movements in the district of the Elbe estuary [Translation from: Hamburger Kuestenforschung 19, [pages 61-63 only], 1975]The present work is concerned with the processes of sand movement in the region of the Elbe estuary. In the first part the results of various investigations which have given indications of the regional transport directions are collected together. The interpretation of the results of a large number of continuous current recordings gives a picture of the resulting transport to be expected under the influence of the tides with those current conditions. This partial translation of the original paper provides the summary of this paper the regional distribution of the flood and ebb flow zones.
Mechanism of mass transfer in the formation of hydrothermal deposits of sulphides [Translation from: Trudy Inst.Geol.rudn.Mesterozh. 16, 80 [pages 44-46 ”Solubility of sulphides of iron” only], 1958]This partial translation of the original paper provides the summary of this study of the mechanism of mass transfer in the formation of hydrothermal deposits of sulphides. For determining the solubility of sulphides of iron, the radioactive isotope Fe59 was used. The solubility of two sulphides was determined.
The role of infusoria and bacteria as food for Cyclopoida in Rybinsk Reservoir [Translation from: Trudy Instituta Biologii Vnutrennykh Vodnany 22(25), 37-42, 1971]Despite the fact that it is a long time sinc e the methods of collection and quantitative estimatio n of protozoa were worked out data on the abundance of these animals in freshwaters are not very numerous. Nevertheless, Infusoria and Rhizopoda at high densities are widespread in the water and sediments of lakes and reservoirs. In order to find ou t the importance of infusoria as a food source for cyclopoids we carried out experimental investigations using C14. For this three species of cyclopoids, widely distributed in open regions of Rybinsk reservoir were selected: Cyclops vicinus, Mesocyclops oithonoides and Kesocyclops leuckarti. The data presented give evidence that the species investigated are able as predators to consume infusorian plankton arid bacteria in the form of flocs or small clumps of detritus.
Influence of carbon tetrachloride on the liver of tadpoles of brown frog (Rana temporaria) [Translation from: Trudy leningt.sanit.-gig.med.Inst. 82, 32-36, 1967]Comparative studies of the structure and regeneration of tissues in different vertebrates make it possible to get ideas from the evolution and regeneration potential of tissues. In this study are considered the reactive changes in the liver of larvae of the amphibian Rana temporaria to CC14 of different concentrations. Tadpoles of different sizes and different growth were placed once each day every day in a vessel with a determined solution of CC14 in water. The liver of tadpoles has a distinctive structure. It is distinguished by structure not only from the liver of higher vertebrates, but also from the liver of the adult frogs. The liver of the latter has an insignificant amount of fat and a whole series of other characters not typical of the liver of the tadpole. Placing the tadpoles in a solution of CCl4 with a concentration of 0.1% did not produce in the liver noticeable morphological changes. The author concludes that the absence of degenerative changes in the liver tadpoles, in spite of a high percentage of death of the experimental animals, tells of the well-known resistance of their liver to the influence of CC14.
The extent of the rearrangement of material in Neuwerk/Scharhom flat [Translation from: Hamburger Kuestenforschung 33, 1-24 [p23 only], 1975]Investigations of the rearrangement of material in Neuwerk/Scharhom flat showed that with the exception of the western border/edge and the parts of the Elbe and Oste shores/banks which lie most seawards, the entire mudflat area is only infrequently exposed to strong hydraulic forces. Only in extreme conditions, which on average occur rarely more than once a year, would the mudflats be severely affected. This partial translation provides the summary of the original article only.
The role of ciliates in the pelagic life cycle of the Mediterranean [Translation from: Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Reunions-Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer 17, 511-512, 1963]During hydrographic and plankton studies carried out since 1960 in the coastal zone between the Ebro and Castellon (western Mediterranean), data has been collected which confirms the importance of ciliates in the composition and activity of the plankton. The ciliates in 413 samples of 100 ml of water were counted, having been examined with the Utermohl microscope after sedimentation. The samples studied were distributed according to the density of their population. subject for study. The author concludes that recognition of the role of ciliates as an important link in the food chain of the sea would simplify the interpretation of certain problems posed by the nutrition of certain groups of planktonic animals.