Recent Submissions

  • Contribution à l'étude des algues littorales du Vietnam 1: le genre Sargassum

    Pham, Hoang Ho (1967)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    Thirty-six species of Sargassum collected on the sea shore of Vietnam are studied. Four taxa are new: S. Feldmannii, S. Congkinhii, S. piluliferum var. nhatrangensis and S. hemiphyllum forma serrata.
  • Alpheid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) of Vietnam

    Tiwari, Krishna Kant (1963)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The present paper deals with a collection of alpheid shrimps from Vietnam received by Mr R. Serene, formerly Director the Institute of Oceanography, Nhatrang (Vietnam). Though small in size the material has proved to be fairly rich. It contains 23 species belonging to the genera Alpheopsis Coutiere, Synalpheus Bate and Alpheus Fabricius, the last named genus accounting for all but three species. Two new species, one each belonging to Alpheopsis and Alpheus, have been briefly described by the author (Tiwari, 1962) in an earlier paper. The remaining species are already known and some of them have an extensive distribution in the Indo-West-Pacific.
  • Les conditions écologiques de la mer de Chine Méridionale

    Tran, Ngoc Loi (1963)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    This paper deals with a job of synthesis of previous notes written by the most passionate researchers at the Nhatrang Institute of Oceanography. Its purpose is to provide biologists with an idea on the physical and physico-chemical aspect of the South China Sea.
  • Les holothuries de la Baie de Nhatrang

    Tran, Ngoc Loi; Ngo, Van Sach (1963)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    From the marine waters of Vietnam, the authors collected 15 coastal species of sea cucumbers, 10 of them have been described in this paper.
  • Propagation des ondes longitudinales dans le noyau terrestre: résumé et conclusion

    Nguyen, Hai (1965)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    Six earthquakes (magnitude 6 to 7) in the Fiji Islands, New Hebrides and Sulawesi, divided in two groups of depth h=100 to 200 km and h= 600 km, were studied through more than a thousand of seismographic observations in 16 months.
  • Activité de la station séismologique de Nhatrang durant la période Juin 1957-Décembre 1963

    Nguyen, Hai (1963)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    In June 1957, the Oceanographic Institute of Nhatrang agreed to support a seismological station whose equipment (3 CP components) was loaned by the National Centre for Scientific Research of France. Similarly, in order to develop its research activities, the Institute cooperated with the United States in their project for seismographs standardization. The author gives a detailed description of the new equipment (3 components and 3 C.P. L.P. components) received from U.S. and installed in June 1962.
  • Lamellibranches des Iles Paracels

    Saurin, Edmond (1962)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The author describes the Lamellibranchs species completing the list of molluscs harvested on the Paracel Islands.
  • Essais de préparation de l'agar à partir du Gelidiella acerosa (Forsk.) Feldm. et Ham.

    Pham, Hoàng Ho; Luong, Cong Kinh (1962)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The Gelidiella acerosa contains up to 41% of agar. The results of tries for preparation of agar from this species are satisfactory. The agar obtained is completely soluble in boiling water if it contains enough Ca ion.
  • Contribution à l'étude du peuplement du littoral rocheux du Vietnam (sud)

    Pham, Hoang Ho (1962)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    In this part 1, after a brief description of the habitat, the author describes in details (in descending order) the supralittoral, littoral and infralittoral zones. The author describes many permanent groups of Cyanophyceae in the higher horizon of intertidal zone, the cosmopolitan group of Navicula Grevillei, Hildenbrandtia prototypus, the pantropical group of Calothrix pilosa, Chaetomorpha antennina, indopacific group of Dermonema Frappieri, Sargassum, Padina, Thatassia Hemprichii, Halophila. The group of cold or temperate habitat with Bangiophycideae are present in winter. Some are described, formed by the oysters, Vermetus or Cirripeds, or by the algae (Calothrix, Brachytrichia, Gelidium, Dermonema, Chaetomorpha).
  • Ecologie de la baie de Nhatrang: étude des peuplements animaux du faciès rocheux intertidal

    Trang, Ngoc Loi (1962)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    From the analysis of typical animal populations, the author tries to draw an outline of a general bionomic system and to describe the effects of predominant ecological factors (wave action, insolation, salinity and contents of sea water) on the characteristic species (Tectarius nodulosus, Tectarius novaezelandiae, Chthamalus stellatus, Tetraclita porcsa, Ostrea forskali, Balanus tintinna bulum and Madreporaria). He also outlined a rapid sketch of seasonal variations of the biota.
  • Phiêu sinh vat trong vinh Nha Trang 1: Khuê tào: Bacillariales

    Hoang, Quoc Truong (1962)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    This paper deals with the work performed at the Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Sciences in Saigon on planktonic material, collected in the Bay of Nhatrang, Central Vietnam. After preliminary considerations on the physical factors relating to plankton life in the Bay, the materials and methods are described. Follows a list of the planktonic organisms studied and identified, and the descriptions of 154 species of diatoms, containing mostly planktonic species mixed with a few benthic species. This is the first of a series of papers dealing with plankton organisms recorded in the Bay of Nhatrang. As it is intended to be a tool for Marine Biology students as well as interested, beginners, the systematic and descriptive characteristics have been reduced to a minimum. Stress was on making detailed and clear illustrations of the organisms described.
  • Introduction à l'étude de la végétation des sables littoraux du Sud Viêt-Nam. Note no. III: Les associations végétales de la presqu'île de Cam-Ranh (Région de Nha-Trang)

    Barry, James P.; Le, Cong Kiet; Pham, Hoang Ho (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The natural vegetation on the coastal sands of Central and Southern Vietnam seems to not be in relation with the chemical composition of the sands, but with the age of sediments.
  • Preliminary plankton research in the Bay of Nhatrang, Vietnam

    Hoang, Quoc Truong (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    An account is given of the work done on plankton of the Bay of Nhatrang, beginning with a study made by Rose in 1926. At the present time identification studies are being conducted at the Faculty of Sciences in Saigon, bearing on diatoms and protozoa
  • La végétation des places vaso-sablonneuses de la presqu'île de Cam-Ranh. Note n° IV: Introduction à l'étude des sables littoraux du Centre Viêt-Nam.

    Barry, James P.; Lê Cong, Kiet; Vu, Van Cu'O'Ng (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The important sedimentation of the Bay of Cam-Ranh rivers Suȏi Hai, Truong Suȏi, Suȏi Ca, Suȏi Tra Duc, Sȏng Can, Sȏng Trau from the Annamite Chain, provides hydrophilic vegetation (mangroves and swampy meadows) with a favorable habitat.
  • La carte de la végétation de la presqu'île de Cam Ranh (Région de Nha Trang). Note n° V: Introduction à l'étude de la végétation des sables littoraux du Sud Viêt-Nam

    Barry, James P.; Le, Cong Kiet; Nguyen, Van Thuy (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The 1:50000 Vegetation Map of Cam Ranh Peninsula is one of the first study performed in South Vietnam; it aims to locate various vegetation on coastal sands and it represents a synthesis of phytogeographic observations. (Barry J.P. and Phung Trung Ngan, 1960, Barry J. P., Le-Cȏng-Kiet Hoang and Pham-Hȏ, 1961 Barry J. P., Le-Cȏng-Kiet and Vu-Van Cuong, 1961).
  • Premières observations hydrologiques profondes dans la baie de Nha-Trang

    Nguyen, Hai; Trinh, Thien Tu; Nguyen, Dinh Ba (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    Results obtained from the first study in deep water of the bay are exposed in this paper numerically and graphically. An upwelling phenomena in the bay of important enough, is noted here too.
  • Sur les ondes T des séismes des Philippines enregistrées à Nhatrang

    Nguyen, Hai; Nguyen, Duc Khang (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    According to the authors, T waves recorded at Nhatrang from Philippine Islands earthquakes may present 3 important phases: F and G, T. and M. If h is the depth of the earthquake, a and b the land paths of T waves respectively near the epicenter and the station, these phases may be noted as: ph-Sofar-SV sub(b) for F and G; P sub(a)-Sofar-SV sub(b) for T sub(2) and problably S in sediments, for M. Sofar waves velocity in China sea, between Philippine and Vietnam, has been determined as to be: 1.48 ± 0.03km
  • Quelques observations hydrologiques dans la région Cap St. Jacques-Poulo Condore

    Nguyen, Hai; Nguyen, Dinh Ba (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The authors expose here results obtained from the data-interpretation of two hydrologic lines done by a national expedition for IGY, in 1958, between St. Jacques Cape and Poulo Condore.
  • Supplement a la Note (partie B): Récentes variations de température et de salinité de Nha-trang

    Nguyen, Hai (1961)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    The present reexamination of oceanographic stations data done in 1957, by graphics, aims to complete necessarily the part B of the last note of the author
  • Note sur Branchiostegus tollardi (Chabanaud)

    Serene, Raoul; Nguyen, Van Luom (1960)
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Saigon
    Latilus tollardi Chabanaud 1924 has been described for some specimens from the Nhatrang's market. The authors record a lot of new specimens of the same locality and give the illustration of one specimen. The species is probably a synonym of Branchiostegus sericeus Herre 1935 recorded from the Hong Kong’s market. Neither one nor other species have been figured before.

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