SCOR is an international non-governmental non-profit organization. The SCOR Secretariat is hosted at the University of Delaware (USA) and SCOR is incorporated in the State of Maryland as a 501(3)(c) organization.

SCOR activities focus on promoting international cooperation in planning and conducting oceanographic research, and solving methodological and conceptual problems that hinder research. SCOR covers all areas of ocean science and cooperates with other organizations with common interests to conduct many SCOR activities.

SCOR also conducts several different activities to build the capacity for ocean science in developing countries and every SCOR acivity includes members from developing countries.

Scientists from thirty-two nations have formed national SCOR committees as a foundation for international SCOR. Approximately 250 scientists from 38 countries currently participate in SCOR activities.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Volume 59.

    Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2024)
    This proceeding summarizes the discussions during the 49th SCOR Annual Meeting held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 17-19 October 2023. This proceeding also provides information from and links to the background information submitted for review at the meeting, including the proposals for new working groups and the reports from current SCOR working groups, projects, capacity development activities, and affiliated and partner organizations, all of which were traditionally included in the SCOR Annual Meeting background book until 2019. All of these can also be accessed online through the SCOR website at:
  • IQuOD 7th Annual Workshop Report, 10-11 July, 2023 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany.

    Cowley, Rebecca; Macdonald, Alison; Good, Simon; Killick, Rachel; Cheng, Lijing; Tan, Zhetao; Castelao, Guilherme; Palmer, Matthew; Boyer, Tim; Cowley, Rebecca; et al. (International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD), 2023-07-11)
    The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems. Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. The IQuOD 7th Workshop goals are to: 1. Ratify new co-Chairs. 2. Review work achieved so far. 3. Review IQuOD structure. 4. Plan for tasks for the coming 12-24 months.
  • IQuOD 6th Annual Workshop Report, 29-31 October, 2019. IFREMER, Brest, France.

    Cowley, Rebecca; Macdonald, Alison; Boyer, Tim; Castelao, Guilherme; Palmer, Matthew; Diggs, Steve; Goes, Marlos; Cowley, Rebecca; International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) (International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD), 2019)
    The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems. Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. The IQuOD 6thh Workshop goals are to: 1. Obtain agreement for the AutoQC process for application to the next product version. 2. Plan for the next IQuOD product: what will it consist of and what do we need to complete to get to the next release.
  • IQuOD 5th Annual Workshop Report, 16-18 April, 2018, Oostende, IODE headquarters Belgium.

    Domingues, Catia; Goes, Marlos; Killick, Rachel; Reseghetti, Franco; Simoncelli, Simona; Castelao, Guilherme; Domingues, Catia; International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) (2018)
    The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems. Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. The IQuOD 5th Workshop goals are to: provide an overview of what has been completed as part of IQuOD interim product v0.1 and discuss what went well and what could be improved (e.g., integrity checks, traceability, roadblocks, etc) • To review/discuss task teams plans beyond v0.1 and workout a draft plan/timeline (to note roadblocks and resources required to overcome them) • To start planning for training/outreach activities • To plan for dissemination/feedback strategies for IQuOD datasets/related products.
  • Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Volume 58.

    SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2023-03-06)
    This proceeding summarizes the discussions during the 48th SCOR Annual Meeting held in hybrid format from Busan, Korea, between the 4-6 of October of 2022. This proceeding also provides the links for all the background information for the meeting, including the proposals for new working groups, the reports from current SCOR working groups, projects, capacity development activities, and the reports of affiliated and partner organizations all of which were traditionally included in the SCOR Annual meeting background book until 2019. All of these can also be accessed online through the SCOR website at:
  • Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 47th SCOR Annual Meeting: Virtual Meeting - October 2021

    Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2022-08)
    This proceeding summarizes the discussions during the 2021 SCOR Annual Meeting held virtually between the 26-28 of October of 2021. Following a decision from the SCOR Executive, this proceeding also provides the links for all the background information for the meeting, including the proposals for new working groups, the reports from current SCOR working groups, projects, capacity development activities, and the reports of affiliated and partner organizations all of which were traditionally included in the SCOR Annual meeting background book until 2019. All of these can also be accessed online through the SCOR website at: The SCOR 2021 Annual Meeting was attended by more than 200 participants from 56 countries representing all continents. Forty Nominated members from 24 SCOR National Committees and the three affiliated bodies to the Executive Committee (IABO, IAPSO, IAMAS) attended the meeting. All SCOR Working Groups, research, infrastructural, and affiliated projects, along with the affiliated and partner organizations reported on their activities. Some of the main highlights of the SCOR 2021 Annual Meeting include: (1) the approval of three new Working Groups (WGs), (2) to secure NSF funding to continue to support working group and project activities, and (3) the endorsement of SCOR working group and project activities by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The three new WGs proposals approved were: (1) Coupling of ocean-ice-atmosphere processes: from sea-Ice biogeochemistry to aerosols and Clouds (CIce2Clouds), co-chaired by Nadja Steiner (Canada) and Megan Willis (USA), (2) CoNCENSUS: Advancing standardisation of COastal and Nearshore demersal fish visual CENSUS techniques, co-chaired by Anthony Bernard (South Africa) and Rick D. Stuart-Smith (Australia), and (3) Mixotrophy in the Oceans – Novel Experimental designs and Tools for a new trophic paradigm (MixONET), co-chaired by Aditee Mitra (UK) and George McManus (USA). SCOR continued to support capacity development activities by extending support to the visiting scholars approved for travel in 2020 and approving four new scholars to travel in 2021 or until travel is possible again. SCOR has continued to approve funding applications from conference organizers to support travel for scientists from developing countries to attend these conferences when they are rescheduled. These commitments will be honored by SCOR when travel is reinitiated. The 2022 SCOR meeting is scheduled for the first week of October 2022 in Busan, Korea, hosted by the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIOST), and will follow the PICES meeting which will take place in the same location the week before. The 2023 SCOR meeting is scheduled to take place in Guayaquil, Ecuador, hosted by the Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada del Ecuador (INOCAR) between September-October. Narrated presentations reporting on SCOR project and working group activities and progress in 2021 can also be found in the SCOR YouTube channel.
  • SCOR Proceedings, Volume 52. Report of the XXXIII SCOR General Meeting

    Urban, Edward; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2017-06)
  • SCOR Proceedings, Volume 51. Report of the 42nd SCOR Executive Committee Meeting

    Urban, Edward; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2016-05)
  • SCOR Proceedings, Volume 50. Report of the 2014 Annual SCOR Meeting

    Urban, Edward; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2020-01)
  • SCOR Proceedings, Volume 41. Report of the 2013 Executive General Meeting

    Urban, Edward; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2014-04)
  • Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Volume 55.

    Urban, Edward; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2020-01)
  • Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Volume 54.

    Urban, Edward; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2020-01)
  • Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Volume 53.

    Urban, Edward; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2018-06)
  • Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Volume 56.

    Miloslavich, Patricia; SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 2021-08-17)
    This proceeding summarizes the discussions during the 2020 SCOR Annual Meeting held virtually between the 20-22 of October of 2020. The SCOR 2020 Annual Meeting was attended by 121 participants from 34 countries representing all continents. All SCOR Working Groups, research, infrastructural, and affiliated projects, along with the affiliated and partner organizations reported on their activities. Some of the main highlights of the SCOR 2020 Annual Meeting include: (1) the approval of a SCOR revised Constitution, (2) the renovation of the SCOR Executive Committee, (3) the incorporation of a new member to SCOR, and (4) the approval of three new Working Groups.