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The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research or NIWA (Māori: Taihoro Nukurangi), is a Crown Research Institute of New Zealand. Established in 1992, NIWA conducts research across a broad range of disciplines in the environmental sciences. It also maintains nationally and, in some cases, internationally important environmental monitoring networks, databases, and collections. NIWA's mission is to conduct leading environmental science to enable the sustainable management of natural resources for New Zealand and the planet

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  • Summary of the National Symposium on the Hydrological Applications of Weather Radar

    Tomlinson, Alaric Ian; Gray, Warren (NIWA, 1994)
    These Proceedings do not produce the abstracts of the Symposium but summarize the requirements of users and potential users of weather radar as those were expressed at the venue; document the Workshops conducted by Professors Collier, Cluckie and Austin during the Symposium; present the finding s from the Working Groups which considered various uses of weather radar in New Zealand, and contain a program and a complete list of names and addresses of people who attended the Symposium (Appendices 1 and 2).
  • Sea Links. The Planktonic Marine Food Web

    Foster, Graham; Hall, Julie (National Institute of Water and Atmopheric Research (NIWA), 2001)
    "Sea Links" is designed to be used as a supplementary resource to support the teaching and learning of Science and Biology at Level 7 (Year 12). This resource also complements the "Sea and Learn" programme resources. The planktonic (ocean's water column and the organisms within it) food web is the resource's focus of study. It is intended for use with students at Years 11, 12 and 13, though it may be appropriate at other levels too. As they study the marine ecosystem, they will be rewarded by a number of surprises, including the variety of animals, and the unexpected direction of the energy flow that may occur when nutrient levels are low.