IQuOD Workshop Proceedings
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IQuOD 7th Annual Workshop Report, 10-11 July, 2023 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany.The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems. Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. The IQuOD 7th Workshop goals are to: 1. Ratify new co-Chairs. 2. Review work achieved so far. 3. Review IQuOD structure. 4. Plan for tasks for the coming 12-24 months.
IQuOD 6th Annual Workshop Report, 29-31 October, 2019. IFREMER, Brest, France.The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems. Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. The IQuOD 6thh Workshop goals are to: 1. Obtain agreement for the AutoQC process for application to the next product version. 2. Plan for the next IQuOD product: what will it consist of and what do we need to complete to get to the next release.
IQuOD 5th Annual Workshop Report, 16-18 April, 2018, Oostende, IODE headquarters Belgium.The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems. Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. The IQuOD 5th Workshop goals are to: provide an overview of what has been completed as part of IQuOD interim product v0.1 and discuss what went well and what could be improved (e.g., integrity checks, traceability, roadblocks, etc) • To review/discuss task teams plans beyond v0.1 and workout a draft plan/timeline (to note roadblocks and resources required to overcome them) • To start planning for training/outreach activities • To plan for dissemination/feedback strategies for IQuOD datasets/related products.
IQuOD 4th Annual Workshop Report: 3rd-5th October 2016 Tokyo, Japan.The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems. Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. The IQuOD 4th Workshop goals are to: Provide updates on recent IQuOD activities, particularly SCOR WG 148 and IOC/IODE; progress on the development and implementation of intelligent metadata, uncertainty estimates, duplicates flagging and the platform for AutoQC benchmarking tests; plans for next steps for the task teams; discussion on capacity building; establishing synergies between IQuOD and the XBT Science Team.
IQuOD 3rd Annual Workshop Report. 3-4 December, 2015, Hamburg, GermanyThe overarching goal of the IQuOD initiative is to create the most complete, consistent and high quality ocean subsurface temperature database with intelligent metadata and uncertainty estimates for each observation. IQuOD will develop international best practice approaches to data quality control and all data and code will be made freely available to the international research community. The approach will be developed focussing on temperature, but the aim is to provide a template so that the database can be extended into other variables later, such as salinity and oxygen. IQuOD is organised in to a number of different Task Teams. The basic format of the meeting was for each of the groups above to report back on progress and plans The focus of the 3rd IQuOD workshop was on the delivery of a first data product. Rather than being a release of a v1.0 IQuOD database, this will instead be an IQuOD “flavour” of WOD – with intelligent metadata and uncertainty information available as an optional data stream.
IQuOD 2nd Annual Workshop Report. June 4-6, 2014 NOAA, Silver Spring, USA.The 2nd IQuOD (International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database) meeting was held at NOAA, Silver Spring, US from 4-6 June, 2014. The project’s structure and goals were refined and clarified and it was clear that a published meeting report, a scientific report on the project and the scientific implementation plan are essential for seeking funding and in-kind support. One of the key items for the meeting was to review the automatic QC benchmarking test efforts from the previous year. Some progress was made on these tests, during the next year, the benchmarking tests will be refined, finalised and reported on. The manual QC group was given several tasks for the coming year to begin comparison and clarification of manual QC methods, including a realistic estimation of the cost of manual QC and the goal of a manual QC workshop prior to the next IQuOD general meeting. A new task group to investigate file formats, uncertainty estimation methods and flagging methods was formed and will move forward with investigating existing schemes that will suit IQuOD. Funding from all countries is limited for the present, but in-kind support, allocation of hours within existing projects and working with existing projects are workable methods for now. Support from IOC subgroups is being sought and funding schemes being further investigated.
CLIVAR-GSOP Coordinated Quality-Control of Global Subsurface Ocean Climate Observations. International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database Inaugural meeting.Motivation: The historical archive of global ocean subsurface temperature contains a large proportion of poorly quality-controlled as well as biased data. As a result, efforts to analyze past ocean change and variability are confounded, as is the use of ocean data assimilation systems (e.g. Bluelink, SODA, etc). Currently many data centers perform automated ‘quick and dirty QC’ – redoing the same job poorly many times around the world. There have been no previous efforts to form a clean and definitive and very much needed historical archive. No single group has the manpower and resources to do the job properly – thus international cooperation is needed. Final outcome: A high-quality historical subsurface ocean temperature (salinity) global dataset, along with the most complete metadata information and formal error measurements for climate research needs. Workshop: To start discussions on the internationally coordinated strategy to deliver and maintain a historical subsurface ocean temperature (salinity) archive of the highest quality possible, we will be holding an initial workshop in Hobart (12-14 June), with support from CLIVAR, US CLIVAR, and CSIRO.