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dc.contributor.authorFetter, M.E.
dc.contributor.authorDavidyuk, A.P.
dc.coverage.spatialBaltic Seaen_US
dc.coverage.spatialThe southern Baltic Seaen_US
dc.description.abstractBased on biological and hydrological data from 1975, 1979-1982, the seasonal distribution patterns of juvenile and adult herring in the southern Baltic Sea have been identified in relation to environmental factors. During the wintering period, the distribution of herring is mainly determined by the depth of the oxygen-deficient zone and the temperature of the bottom water layer along the coastal slope. During the pre-spawning period, the distribution of herring aggregations is closely linked to the condition of the individuals' reproductive organs. During the feeding period, the main factor determining the distribution of herring is the distribution and composition of its food base. At this time, juvenile and adult herring are maximally separated, which is due to the nature of their feeding habits and the specific composition of zooplankton in shallow coastal and deep-sea areas.
dc.subject.otherBaltic herringen_US
dc.titleСезонное распределение сельдей южной Балтики и факторы средыen_US
dc.title.alternativeSeasonal distribution of southern Baltic herring and environmental factorsen_US
dc.typeJournal Contributionen_US
dc.bibliographicCitation.titleFischerei-Forschung. Fischereiliche Untersuchungen der DDR und der UdSSR in der Ostsee. Рыбохозяйственные исследования ГДР и СССР в бассейне Балтийского моряen_US
dc.description.notes10. ausgabe des sonderheftes über fischereiliche untersuchungen der DDR und der UDSSR in der Ostsee. 10. выпуск совместного сборника научных статей по вопросам рыбохозяйственных исследований ГДР и СССР в Балтийском море.en_US
dc.subject.asfaASFA_2015::S::Seasonal distributionen_US
dc.subject.asfaASFA_2015::E::Environmental factorsen_US
dc.subject.asfaASFA_2015::F::Fishery biologyen_US
html.description.abstractBased on biological and hydrological data from 1975, 1979-1982, the seasonal distribution patterns of juvenile and adult herring in the southern Baltic Sea have been identified in relation to environmental factors. During the wintering period, the distribution of herring is mainly determined by the depth of the oxygen-deficient zone and the temperature of the bottom water layer along the coastal slope. During the pre-spawning period, the distribution of herring aggregations is closely linked to the condition of the individuals' reproductive organs. During the feeding period, the main factor determining the distribution of herring is the distribution and composition of its food base. At this time, juvenile and adult herring are maximally separated, which is due to the nature of their feeding habits and the specific composition of zooplankton in shallow coastal and deep-sea areas.en_US

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