Recent Submissions

  • Outcomes of the collaboration between BRESEP and SPINCAM projects at the South Pacific Coast of Latin America.

    UNESCO (UNESCO, 2018)
    The BRESEP project (Biosphere Reserves as a tool for the sustainable management of coastal areas and islands in the South Eastern Pacific) strengthens and promotes the creation of biosphere reserves as tools for innovative and appropriate practices from a social, cultural and environmental point of view. In addition, it promotes the creation of a network of collaboration and exchange of information and experiences on biodiversity loss, coastal zone management and sustainable development, particularly in coastal areas and in the islands of the South Eastern Pacific in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru. In this way, it contributes to improving the livelihoods of the inhabitants of the region. The BRESEP project is coordinated by the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program thanks to the financial support of the Government of Flanders of Belgium and has the support of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
  • Southeast Pacific Data and Information Network to support Integrated Coastal Area management.

    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO; Permanent Commission for the Southeast Pacific (UNESCO-IOC, 2018)
    The coastal zone and the marine areas represent a strategic component for the development of Latin America and the sustainable blue growth. However, the existing initiatives on Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) amongst the Southeast Pacific countries (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru) are with different implementation degree. Therefore, there is a need to improve the transboundary coordination and cooperation for coastal and marine management and planning in this region. The Southeast Pacific Data and Information Network to Support the Integrated Coastal Area Management (SPINCAM) is developing a harmonized coastal and marine environmental management framework for the beneficiary countries in the Southeast Pacific, thereby providing the right tools to apply the ecosystem approach in their national waters, while also providing a foundation for planning sustainable economic development (blue growth) through inter-institutional capacity-building, which will translate into concrete recommendations and strategies at the regional level.
  • Informe del Estado del Medio Ambiente 2011

    Departamento de Estadística e Información Ambiental; Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, 2011)
    El Informe del Estado del Medio Ambiente permite conocer el estado de situación de nuestro medio ambiente a nivel país, dividiendo la información en temáticas ambientales.