Volume 42 - 1996
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Main results of YugNIRO researches in 1995Proceedings of the Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and OceanographyThe main outcomes of the YugNIRO activities on the studies of biological resources, nature conservation measures, mariculture scientific grounds and hydrobionts processing methods are presented. Yield predictions for the principal commercial fish species in the Black and Azov Seas as well as in the World Ocean for the year 1997 are given. Juveniles abundance of some fish species (anchovy, sprat, Azov shad) is assessed. Fishing areas, available for the Ukrainian fleet in the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and South Oceans, are identified. Recommendations on breeders from natural populations are suggested for the aquaculture purposes. The area in the Kerch Strait is determined for commercial mussel culture. Ecosystem functioning in the North Western Black Sea is investigated under conditions of oil and gas exploration.
Основные результаты комплексных исследований ЮгНИРО в Азово-Черноморском бассейне и Мировом океане в 1995 годуResults of YugNIRO complex researches are presented and assessment of the state and prospects of development for Ukrainian fisheries in international legal aspect is given. Main results of oceanographic researches, problems of ctenophore Mnemiopsis development dynamics, problems of biology and stock assessment of commercial target species in the Azov-Black Sea area and in the Indian Ocean as well as problems of exploration of fishing areas in the North-Eastern Atlantic are considered. Prospects of production of new medicinal prophylactic preparations made of Black Sea seaweeds are revealed. Conception of development of fisheries in the Crimea is offered.