AquaDocs is funded and managed by the UNESCO/IOC InternationaI Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) with support from the FAO Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. It is hosted by Atmire using the Open Repository software.
Recognising the importance and growth of the AquaDocs repository, other Discovery Services and Research Infrastructures have included AquaDocs as one of their resource providers through harvester or API routes.
OpenASFA is a system for the recording, storing and publishing bibliographic records related to the world’s aquatic sciences, fisheries and aquaculture research. ASFA Partners create records OpenASFA, from where they can be exported to ProQuest and other information systems, including FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture website. OpenASFA harvests metadata from AquaDocs and other repositories. _______________________________________________________________
AquaDocs is a resource provider to JERICO-CORE, which is the pilot unified central hub of JERICO-RI to discover, access, manage and interact with JERICO-RI resources including services, datasets, software, best practices, manuals, publications, organisations, projects, observatories, equipment, data servers, e-libraries, support, training and similar assets.
Ocean InfoHub
The Ocean InfoHub Project supports a global network of distributed information and data resources related to the ocean. The project facilitates discovery and interoperability of existing information systems through the lightweight Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) architecture. This enables users from Member States and other partners to discover and more easily access global oceans information, data and knowledge products for management and sustainable development.
OpenAIRE ensures a permanent open scholarly communication infrastructure to support European research. It operates services that connect repositories and other data sources (interoperability) and builds a global Scholarly Communication Knowledge Graph.